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Economic Development - ECS 4013

Use this guide to locate information on countries.

More Databases for Economics and Finance

Start your search with one of these online resources:
  • ProQuest News & Newspaper Collection and US Major Dailies access national and international newspaper sources.  
  • ABI/Inform Collection, Business Source Ultimate, and EconLit include access to newspapers, but emphasis here is on information types (journal articles, reports) that are not included in the newspaper databases.
  • Credo Reference includes encyclopedia entries that will likely describe cultural and historical aspects of the country.
  • Try Statista or SageData for statistical information.

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General tips for identifying search terms

Database providers continuously strive to streamline the research process, so  don't forget to check the Help links for updates.  Consider these steps for creating a list of relevant words and terms:

  • Think about your information need in a sentence, question, or phrase and identify the key terms.

What impact did the pandemic have on The Seychelles?

  • Think of other words that could describe your topic.  Information found in encyclopedias, for example, would be helpful.   Search the Library catalog for your topic and encyclopedias (i.e. ethics AND encyclopedias). You could also consult a thesaurus.
pandemic covid-19
impact effect
The Seychelles Seychelles
  • Use Boolean operators* (AND, OR) to combine synonymous terms


pandemic OR covid-19
AND impact OR effect
AND The Seychelles OR Seychelles