Did you know?  We have streaming videos in JoVE:Clinical Skills!

JoVE educational videos bring to life the intricate details of cutting-edge experiments and empower effective teaching of science concepts and laboratory methods.  These videos are for classroom or personal use only.

In JoVE Clinical Skills there are many options depending on your topic of interest…

  • Physical Examination I, II & III:  Students can stream videos on Proper adjustment of patient attire during a physical exam, respiratory examinations, ear examinations, thyroid examinations, and cardiac examinations.
  • Nursing Skills:  Students or professionals can find videos on proper medication administration, assessing & flushing a peripheral intravenous line, or a proper CVAD dressing change technique.  
  • There are also streaming videos on Coronavirus/COVID-19 procedures and Emergency Medicine/Critical Care procedures.

To access JoVE: Clinical Skills, go to the University Library's home page.  Select the "Databases" tab in the search box.  Enter "JoVE."  Select "JoVE: Clinical Skills."  You'll be prompted to enter your FGCU credentials.  Questions?  Contact one of our subject librarians.