By Alejandra Velez, Archives Assistant


Oof, archival work is no joke! I spent a full year processing a collection that completely changed my view on academic institutions like Florida Gulf Coast University. Throughout this experience of processing and learning the ins and outs of archival work, I’ve come to realize one thing… I really like it. Dealing with such a long and extensive collection was both rewarding and frustrating. I’d come to work and spend eight hours a day processing an extensive paper and photograph collection. I often found myself repeating the same tasks daily: coffee, then processing, another coffee break, and more processing. Some days I would have to take a step back and remind myself why I was sorting through thousands of letters, photographs, newspapers, university policies, and materials. The answer was the same every time: no matter how long it took me to complete a box, the sense of relief I felt when finished was better than the sense of frustration. I also rewarded myself with a treat sometimes!  


I learned so much about FGCU and its amazing past while scouring through the material. Like this project, the University has had its ups and downs in its relatively short history. Despite our academic institution being only 27 years old, it is filled with a rich history that brought together all members of the Southwest Florida Community. Working on the Susan Evans Papers Collection made me realize that the people in our own communities have the potential to be the biggest influence in our lives. I’ll be the first to admit this was no easy task for me to complete and sometimes I felt like I was in over my head, but the sweet reward was well worth it in the end. For me, this brought me one step closer to achieving my goal of becoming an archivist.