University Library News

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Anna Karras
Yellow background with copyright symbol under a magnifying glass


Are you interested in learning about the ins and outs of copyright? Join Dr. Robert N. Diotalevi on Monday, February 10, from 11 a.m. to noon for a virtual session that will provide an overview of important laws involving copyright. This session will include a PowerPoint presentation, a Q&A period and a demonstration of the Library’s Reading List tool. 


Our presenter, Dr. Robert N. Diotalevi, is an Associate Professor and Founding Program Coordinator of Legal Studies here at FGCU. He brings an array of experience to the table having been a lawyer for 39 years and a member of the Massachusetts and Florida bars. In addition to law, he possesses degrees in accounting, communication and taxation. Dr. Diotalevi’s work has also been published in several journals worldwide. 


Register on the library’s calendar page to get our link to this virtual workshop (  

Anna Karras
Intro to Roper iPoll with question mark.


Do you have an interest in researching public opinion data? Roper iPoll is a deeply informative and interactive opinion data research platform produced by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Cornell University.  


On Monday, January 13 from 1:30 p.m. – 2 p.m. and Thursday, January 16 from 11 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., librarians Steve Rokusek and Hansen Zhang will host an Introduction to Roper iPoll workshop for students, faculty and staff. 


Roper iPoll offers nearly a million survey and poll questions, response data, associated reporting, methodology and transparency documentation (such as survey organization and sponsor information, mode, field dates, etc.), full questionnaires, related survey ephemera and more. In the workshop, attendees will learn how to find and extract data, browse public opinion data of various topics and learn how to download a data set. 


Register on the library’s calendar page to get our link to this virtual workshop. 


Please select either:

Monday, January 13      or       Thursday, January 16 

Anna Karras

White background with event information including a QR code.


It can seem daunting to start an evidence synthesis project or systematic review, but we offer many online tools to help get you started and to save time and stress! Join us on October 26 to learn the basics of evidence synthesis and the different types of reviews, how they’re conducted and how librarians’ expertise can help you create a successful project. 


Our Health and Human Services Librarian, Traci Mays, along with our STEM Librarian, Kimberly Reycraft will guide this session and give you the help you need when thinking about starting and publishing your review. Creating a strong foundation when conducting a review is a critical skill for all current and future researchers.

Level up your research with help from the library. It starts here.

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