This list represents some large, partially free, advertising and marketing websites. Users may have to register to access some content; some content is members only. The library may subscribe to a title, so be sure to check the online catalog for full-text access. Researchers may also discover additional ideas for assignments here.
Where to look for company information?
Database providers strive to make the research process more efficient, so take a few minutes to check the database Help links. Before you begin your database search, consider these steps:
What is the impact of advertising that targets children?
impact | effect | influence |
advertising | marketing | promotion |
targets | directed | focus |
children | adolescents | youth |
Now, you've got a good number of keywords to use--in many different combinations--to improve your chances of finding the most relevant sources for your project.
impact | OR | effect | OR | influence | |
AND | advertising | OR | marketing | OR | promotion |
AND | targets | OR | directed | OR | focus |
AND | children | OR | adolescents | OR | youth |
It isn't necessary, or even advisable, to use every word/phrase in one search. This example maps out the process used to compile a list of terms that describe a topic and the ways those terms might be combined.
*What is a Boolean operator? The most common Boolean operators are AND & OR. The use of these operators allows researchers to combine several terms into one search. Identify synonyms for your original search terms that can be used in different combinations to get to relevant results. Keep in mind, it is not necessary, or even advisable, to enter all of the terms you brainstorm into one search. In the above example: each column of terms could be a separate search.