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Agriculture Industry Codes


North American Industry Classification System  (NAICS):  the Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting sector is 11. According to the 2017 NAICS manual activities of this sector include "growing crops, raising animals, harvesting timber, and harvesting fish and other animals from farms, ranches or the animals' natural habitats."  Check here for the full listing of industry codes for this sector.  For a complete list of Agriculture codes, check here.

Business and Agriculture Databases

Below are databases covering all aspects of business, including agriculture. For the full list of business databases, check here.

AgBusiness Industry Research

Industry Research--

  • If you are researching a particular company, check the company profile for the primary industry code and use that code and description to find the appropriate industry report or profile.   OR-- Identify your industry by description--keywords that describe it.  Example: micro brewery, craft beer, micro beer. Remember, some terms may be more widely used than others. Check a thesaurus to help identify additional terms.  
  • ​​Industry codes.  These four- and six-digit numeric identifiers classify and describe business activities.  The United States employs two primary classification systems for this purpose and it is typical for companies to use both.

​​Online sources for  industry codes:
North American Industry Classification (NAICS)
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

  • Company profiles include primary and secondary NAICS and SIC codes.  The primary           code describes the main business activity.  Secondary codes describe activities that are engaged in to a lesser degree.
  • Locate industry surveys, overviews and profiles.  Search the library’s databases (IBISWorld, ABI/Inform Collection, Mergent Online), using the keywords you identified earlier and the industry codes.
  • Use your list of keywords to search for current news and In-depth articles about your Industry
  • Visit industry and trade association websites\ Review market share data and other industry statistics
  • Compare company/industry norms and financial ratios​​