One of the most efficient ways to locate articles on topics related to Bilingual Education is to use the library's research databases.
Academic OneFile (Gale)This link opens in a new windowa multidisciplinary resource that provides access to journals and popular magazines in the arts, humanities, social sciences, science, and technology.
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowMultidisciplinary resource that includes thousands of journal, magazine, and newspaper titles.
Communication & Mass Media Complete (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowBest database for areas related to communication and mass media. Subjects covered: advertising, linguistics, writing, business communication, communication theory, marketing, public relations, cross cultural communication, sign language, journalism, policy, media studies.
Education Source (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowFind full-text articles on a variety of Education topics from early childhood to higher education. It includes specialized topics such as multilingual education, health education, and testing.
Educator's Reference Complete (Gale)This link opens in a new windowContains access to academic journals, reports, and reference sources pertaining to topics in education. Content focuses on educational principles, child development and psychology, and best practices in education.
ERIC (EBSCO)This link opens in a new windowFind education-related journal articles, conferences, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, directories, books, and monographs.
JSTOR Arts and SciencesThis link opens in a new windowFind articles on life sciences, history, art, anthropology, architecture, business, economics, film, geography, language, literature, management, mathematics, music, philosophy, political science, religion, sociology, and more. Also includes images from universities, museums, and community and private collections, including Artstor.
Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowAbstracts and indexes literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Documents indexed include journal articles, book reviews, books, book chapters, dissertations and working papers.
Education Database (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowAccess top educational publications, including literature on primary, secondary and higher education, as well as special education, home schooling, and adult education.
PsycArticles (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowOffers full-text articles from over 90 journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe & Huber.
PsycINFO (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowIndexes and abstracts psychological literature (books, journals, articles, dissertations, etc.) from the 1800s to the present and is produced by the American Psychological Association. Scope is worldwide.
Sage Journals OnlineThis link opens in a new windowContains social sciences, humanities, health sciences, life sciences, biomedical sciences, materials science and engineering journals.
Taylor & Francis OnlineThis link opens in a new windowSearch over 1500 academic journals in a wide range of disciplines, including behavioral studies, business, education, humanities, psychology, engineering, environment, health care, mathematics, political science, science & technology.