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Computer Information Systems

use this guide to find information on computer information systems

Where to find company and industry information

Identifying the best database for your search may depend on what type of information you are looking for.  The image below includes examples of where to find specific information.  Click the link below to see the full document.

Finding Articles Using a Database

CIS and Technical Databases

Search these databases for sources that address the technical aspects of your research.  You may want to brainstorm terms that apply to hardware, software, analysis, systems, etc to use here and, possibly, in combination with the business terms.

General tips for identifying search terms

Database providers continuously streamline the research process, so check out the Help links.  But before you begin searching and, after you have developed a research question, identify the most relevant terms.  Then consider synonyms for those terms. Can't think of any? Consult a thesaurus:

You might want to investgate the impact of wearable technology on consumer health.

impact influence
wearable technology wearable devices
consumer user
health condition
  • Use Boolean operators* (AND, OR) to combine synonymous terms:
  impact  OR influence
AND wearable technology OR wearable devices
AND consumer OR user
AND health OR condition

*The most commonly used Boolean operators are AND OR. The use of operators allows researchers to combine several search terms into one search. Identify words and terms that can be used in different combinations to get to relevant results. 

Industry Research

Industry Research--

  • If you are researching a company, check the company profile for the primary industry code and use that code and description to find industry reports.  OR
  • Identify your industry by description or keywords. Example: micro brewery, craft beer, micro beer. Remember, some terms may be more widely used than others. Check a thesaurus to help identify additional terms that could also be used to describe your topic.  
  • ​​Industry codes.  These four- and six-digit numeric identifiers classify and describe business activities.  The United States employs two primary classification systems for this purpose and it is typical for companies to use both.

​​Online sources for industry codes:
North American Industry Classification (NAICS)
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

  • Find industry codes in company profiles, sometimes listed as primary or secondary NAICS and SIC codes.  Primary industry codes describe the main business activity. Secondary codes describe activities that are engaged in to a lesser degree.
  • Locate industry surveys, overviews and profiles. Try these databases (IBISWorld, ABI/Inform Collection, Mergent Online), using the keywords you identified as well as the industry codes.
  • Also use your keywords to search for current news and In-depth articles about your Industry.
  • Visit industry and trade association websites\ Review market share data and other industry statistics.
  • Compare company/industry norms and financial ratios​​.

Business databases

These databases are great places to start your business research.  Look here for company and industry reports, as well as for news articles.

IEEE Basic Search Tutorial

ACM Basic Search Tutorial