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Use the guide to research economics topics; includes links to statistical resources

More Databases for Economics and Finance

Start your search with one of these online resources:

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What are Boolean Operators?

  • The most commonly-used Boolean operators are AND & OR.
  • Allow users to combine several terms into one search
  • Remember--it is not necessary, or even advisable to enter all of the terms you brainstorm into one search.

General tips for identifying search terms

Database providers continuously strive to streamline the research process, so  don't forget to check the Help links for updates.  Consider these steps for creating a list of relevant words and terms:

  • Try to state your information need in a sentence, question, or phrase and identify the key terms.

What impact does advertising have on children’s diets?

  • Think of other words that could describe your topic.  Information found in encyclopedias, for example, would be helpful.   Search the Library catalog for your topic and encyclopedias (i.e. ethics AND encyclopedias). You could also consult a thesaurus.
advertising marketing
childrens adolescents
impact effect
diets food choices

  • Use Boolean operators* (AND, OR) to combine synonymous terms


advertising OR marketing
AND childrens OR adolescents
AND impact OR effect
AND diets OR food choices