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English Language & Literature

Find Books at FGCU

Library Catalog Search


For browsing at the FGCU library, you may want to search by the Library of Congress classification. Here are some popular language and literature subject areas.  For a more complete list of LC classifications, see

P - PZ Language & Literature
P Philology. Linguistics
PA Greek & Latin Lang & Lit
PB Modern Lang (General). Celtic Lang
PC Romance Lang
PD Germanic Lang (General),
Scandinavian Lang
PE English Lang   

PF West Germanic Lang
PG Slavic, Baltic, Albanian Lang & Lit 
PH Uralic, Basque Lang & Lit
PJ Oriental Lang & Lit. Semitic Lang & Lit
PK Indo-Iranian Lang & Lit
PL Lang & Lit of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
PM Hyperborean, Indian, and artificial Lang

PN Literature (General) 
PQ French, Italian, Spanish, & Portuguese Lit
PR English Lit
PS American Lit
PT German, Dutch, & Scandinavian Lit
PZ Fiction. Juvenile Belles Lettres

Interlibrary Loan

Can't find a book, article, chapter, or other resource at the FGCU Library that you really need? Try interlibrary loan, which allows you to borrow materials from other libraries.

To place a request from within the Library Catalog, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Library Catalog/Eagle Search using your FGCU credentials.
  2. Search for your item, click on "expand your search", if item doesn't show in the results.
  3. Click on "Get it for me from other libraries".
  4. Choose the offer tile that matches the type of request you'd like to receive.

If you can't find the title you're looking for in the Library Catalog, please use the following link to the request form. You will need to log in with your FGCU email and password to access the form.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form