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Religious Studies

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Library Catalog Search

Interlibrary Loan

Can't find a book, article, chapter, or other resource at the FGCU Library that you really need? Try interlibrary loan, which allows you to borrow materials from other libraries.

To place a request from within the Library Catalog, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Library Catalog/Eagle Search using your FGCU credentials.
  2. Search for your item, click on "expand your search", if item doesn't show in the results.
  3. Click on "Get it for me from other libraries".
  4. Choose the offer tile that matches the type of request you'd like to receive.

If you can't find the title you're looking for in the Library Catalog, please use the following link to the request form. You will need to log in with your FGCU email and password to access the form.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form