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Special Education

Journal Search

Journal Search

Special Education Journals

These special education journals, yearbooks or annuals are available through the FGCU Library.  

To access, search for the title in our the Eagle Search Box above. 

Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities (Yearbook) 

  • Advances in Special Education 
  • American Annals of the Deaf
  • The Australasian Journal of Special Education
  • British Journal of Special Education
  • The British Journal of Visual Impairment
  • Deafness & Education International
  • Disability & Society
  • European Journal of Special Needs Education
  • Exceptional Children
  • Exceptionality
  • Federal Outlook for Exceptional Children: Budget Considerations and CEC Recommendations  
  • Focus on Exceptional Children 
  • International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education
  • Intervention in School and Clinic  
  • Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
  • Journal of Behavioral Education
  • Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education
  • Journal of Early Intervention 
  • Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention JEIBI
  • Journal of Learning Disabilities 
  • Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
  • Journal of Special Education 
  • Journal of Special Education Technology
  • The Journal of the International Association of Special Education
  • Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools
  • Learning disability quarterly: journal of the Division for Children with Learning Disabilities
  • RE:View rehabilitation and education for blindness
  • Remedial and Special Education: RASE. 
  • Teacher Education and Special Education 
  • Teaching Exceptional Children Plus.
  • Teaching Exceptional Children 
  • Topics in early childhood special education 
  • Volta Review  (articles related to education for people who are deaf, including speech therapy)