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What is a citation anyway?

Citation? What is citation? And why do we do it?

All good questions to ask. Now watch this good (and short) video to find the answers!

[Produced by NSCU Libraries]

AMA Citation Style

What is AMA citation style? 

AMA citation style was created by the American Medical Association in 1962. It's now widely used for citing sources in medical and scientific research. It was originally created to specify the writing style (for sake of consistency) for AMA publications.

FGCU Librarians have created an AMA Citation Guide for you. Or, you can visit The Writing Lab.



APA Citation Style

What is APA style?

APA was created by the American Psychology Association near the dawn of time (actually 1929) by social scientists and business managers. It has since become the citation style of choice for many in the social sciences, health, and allied health professions.

Model of a Research Paper in APA

Recommended: This video provides a complete review of a model APA paper looks with sources: manuscript format, organization, use of subheadings, use of sources, in-text citations and reference citations. CAUTION: It's long -- over 13 minutes -- and the narrator's voice is soft and sleep-inducing. SOLUTION: Skip ahead and back to find parts that you need help with, OR: pinch yourself repeatedly, because this video provides one of the best overviews of an APA research paper on the web that answers the most commonly asked questions that students have about APA. FINALLY: You might want to watch this video in YouTube to enlarge the viewing area.


Let's Get Started

To download Mendeley to your personal device visit the Mendeley Website.

Additional Tutorials can be found here.

Let's Get Started_Deux!

To download Zotero to your personal device visit the Zotero website!

Additional Zotero tutorials can be found here.