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The Exercise Sciences

American Society of Exercise Physiologists


ASEP Objectives
Professionalism is critical to society's acceptance of exercise physiologists as healthcare professionals. And, in much the same sense that Bob Dylan was thinking when he said, "You don't need a weather man to know which way the wind blows." -- ASEP leaders believe that exercise physiologists don't need a doctorate degree to know that Albert Einstein was right: "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."

1. To provide a powerful, unified forum and opportunity for exercise physiologists to present and discuss current research in exercise physiology.

2. To promote and encourage the exchange of ideas and information regarding all phases of exercise physiology.

3. To promote advancement of teaching and research in exercise physiology within the academic environment.

4. To encourage the implementation of undergraduate and graduate education programs to meet the diverse interests and healthcare career opportunities in exercise physiology, regardless of age, gender, race or disability.

5. To promote the growth and application of the highest quality teaching, research, and professional application of exercise physiology in health promotion, disease prevention, rehabilitation, and sport fitness and training.

6. To promote development and exchange of scientific information between ASEP and other professional organizations with an interest in exercise physiology.

7. To set the agenda, determine the direction, and make the decisions about the future of the profession of exercise physiology.

8. To be a dynamic and action-oriented clearinghouse for questions regarding the professional development of exercise physiologists, healthcare, athletics performance, and research opportunities.

9. To increase visibility and enhance the image of the exercise physiology profession throughout the United States.

10. To represent exercise physiologists whose professional work is mainly clinical, and to help ensure that federal agencies and legislators understand their work and needs of the clinical professional.

11. To participate in the development and implementation of public policies and procedures concerned with exercise physiology.

12. To make a commitment to quality and integrity in exercise physiology through adherence to the ASEP Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice.

13.To facilitate and promote positive public policy and professional, ethical behavior by providing ongoing peer review and quality assurance programs via the accreditation of the exercise physiology academic programs.<

14. To expand federal and private funding of exercise physiology research, education, and professional development.

National Academy of Kinesiology


The dual purpose of the Academy of Kinesiology shall be to encourage and promote the study and education applications of the art and science of human movement and physical activity and to honor by election to its membership persons who have directly or indirectly contributed significantly to the study of and/or application of the art and science of human movement and physical activity.

American Kinesiology Association

Our Mission

The American Kinesiology Association promotes and enhances kinesiology as a unified field of study and advances its many applications. AKA does this by advocating for kinesiology at national and international levels as well as by supporting its member departments by providing resource materials and leadership and educational opportunities for university administrators in kinesiology.

Society of Health and Physical Educators


Our Vision

A nation where all children are prepared to lead healthy, physically active lives.

Our Mission

To advance professional practice and promote research related to health and physical education, physical activity, dance and sport.

American Medical Society for Sports Medicine

AMSSM provides a forum to foster professional relationships among sports medicine physicians to advance the discipline of sports medicine through education, research, advocacy and excellence in patient care.

AMSSM is committed to the following values:

AMSSM will be a worldwide leader in sports medicine.