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Issues in Science & Technology: IDS 3143

Cases, Statutes, and Regulations

WestlawNext is a database for locating laws at the federal and state level.  In this database you can find:

Cases (court decisions and opinions)

Statutes (laws passed by legislative bodies)

Regulations (rules created by administrative agencies)

To conduct a search in WestlawNext, click on the link above.  Then select either the Federal Materials tab or the State Materials tab.

Federal Materials
  • For cases, select Federal Cases.  Then type your search term(s) at the top and hit enter.  After the results are displayed you can narrow them by using the facets at the left.  For example, under Jurisdiction you can narrow your results to Supreme Court, Courts of Appeals, etc.
  • For statutes, select United States Code Annotated (USCA).  You can then type your search term(s) at the top and hit enter, or you can browse the sections that are displayed.
  • For regulations, select Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).  You can then type your search term(s) at the top and hit enter, or you can browse the sections that are displayed.
State Materials
  • First, select Florida.
  • For cases, select All Florida State Cases.  Then type your search term(s) at the top and hit enter.  After the results are displayed you can narrow them by using the facets at the left.  For example, under Jurisdiction you can narrow your results to Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, etc.
  • For statutes, select Florida Statutes & Court Rules.  You can then type your search term(s) at the top and hit enter, or you can browse the sections that are displayed.
  • For regulations, select Florida Regulations.  You can then type your search term(s) at the top and hit enter, or you can browse the sections that are displayed.