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Data Management

A resource to assist researchers in data management

Secure Your Data

Illustration by Jørgen Stamp. CC BY 2.5 Denmark license

Choose secure storage solutions for your research data. You want to protect your data and any private information you collect. If you have sensitive data, be careful in selecting cloud storage.

Storage and Backup

Storage  Backup

Storage and backup are separate but complementary elements of data management. 

  • Storage refers to maintaining your files in a secure location that is readily accessible. 
  • Backup  is the regular process of saving additional copies of your data to separate physical or virtual locations. 

A good combination of storage and backup supports strong data management.

Have a backup system!

Meme of a cat that reads, "We didn't have a system back up? You gotta be kitten me."







Meme from

Not having a backup could result in terrible loss and potentially the end of your project. Securely store and backup your data!

Rule of 3

A good rule to follow when managing your data is the rule of 3. Keep three copies of your data:

  • Two copies onsite
  • One copy offsite

1. Laptop or network drive
2. External hard drive
3. Cloud storage

Evaluate Your Storage Options

When evaluating your storage and backup options ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the best option for my research project?
  • What kind of storage suits my type of data?
  • Is my data sensitive? Do I need to comply with privacy laws?
  • Is the cloud a safe place to store my data?
  • What are my funder's requirements for data storage, preservation, and sharing?

Storage and Backup Presentation