On this page you'll find resources on identifying an educational test or measure you may be interested in, finding the full text, and finding more information about educational testing in general.
The search link below will open a saved search in the catalog and will retrieve most test kits owned by the library. A search for the keyword "test" filtered to "held by library" and resource type "kits" will retrieve most test kits owned by the University Library.
Find the names of Educational/Psychological tests and measures using the resources below. Once you identify the test you need, search for the test in one of our databases or the catalog (see directions further down this page). Some tests may only be available for direct purchase, but are generally inexpensive (ETS tests are $25, Test reviews are $15.) Some tests may require you to provide proof of a specialized certification or credential to access and use. Your librarian may be able to purchase these for you. Contact us for help.
Tip - In HAPI, search for the title of the test as a “measure” and limit to “review source.” These might connect to full text. If not, proceed to Interlibrary loan.
Find psychological tests and measures designed for use with social and behavioral science research. Instantly find and download instruments for research and/or teaching. Most tests are unpublished, but some have reports for reliability, validity and factor analysis.
Find psychological tests and measures designed for use with social and behavioral science research. Instantly find and download instruments for research and/or teaching. Most tests are unpublished, but some have reports for reliability, validity and factor analysis.
Comprehensive database for nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other allied health fields.
Tips for finding tests in the above databases:
Search tips for Google Scholar and other databases. Go to the advanced search screen of Google Scholar or appropriate database. Enter your topic, keywords, audience, etc. Type questionnaire OR survey OR inventory OR scale OR instrument, etc. on the next line (Search abstract or all text.) Type appendix (Search all text. Sometimes an instrument will be appended to an article.)