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University Archives & Special Collections' Guide

A list of primary source collections that may be of interest to students who have majors related to Education.
FGCU Collections Related to Education:

The following collections have been selected as primary source collections that may be of interest to students who have majors related to Education. Please note, University Archives and Special Collections offer a whole plethora of collections that can be used for research projects or assignments. 

AAUW logoAmerican Association of University Women Collection

American Association of University Women has been empowering women as individuals and as a community since 1881. The AAUW record group is a growing collection, with more branches of AAUW throughout Florida that will be added. Each collection within this record group is named after the branch it is from, with the following series detailing documents, images, and ephemera related to the series. 

Finding Aid

Aquila logoAquila: The FGCU Student Research Journal

Aquila: The FGCU Student Research Journal publishes exceptional student scholarships from all academic disciplines and levels of study at Florida Gulf Coast University. The journal is published each year and contains research from students across many different disciplines. 

Current Issue DigitalFGCU



Thumbnail of maps and photographs pinned on a board from the collectionCenter for Holocaust and Genocide Research Center

This collection includes but is not limited to, the events, activities, and ephemera related to the FGCU Center for Holocaust and Genocide Research. Files within contain event programs, correspondence, and syllabi among other materials that document the work of the center from its creation to the present. 

Finding Aid | DigitalFGCU

Photograph of an alumni using a computer from the collectionDistance Learning Collection

This collection contains documents, correspondence, and publications related to the establishment of a Distance Learning Program at FGCU and within the Florida State University System from 1993 - 2000. 

Finding Aid

Photograph of former FGCU president, Dr. Wilson G. Bradshaw from the collectionUniversity Presidential Collection

The Presidential Collections contain materials from each of FGCU’s past presidents. Each president has their own collection. The materials include correspondence, photos, and documents related to the establishment, growth, and administration of the institution.  

Finding Aid


Overhead photograph of papers and syllabi on someone's deskUniversity Syllabi Collection

This is a collection of syllabi that have been used at Florida Gulf Coast University. The syllabi cover courses taught at FGCU between 2006 and 2021. 




Whitaker Center for STEM Education logo

Whitaker Center Publication Collection 

The Whitaker Center Publication collection includes scholarship developed within the Florida Gulf Coast University Whitaker Center, which conducts research in STEM teaching and learning; developing innovative curricula, resources, and materials; providing professional development opportunities for educators; developing and supporting programs for students; and building strong community partnerships. 


Finding Aid | DigitalFGCU


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