Configure for On-Campus Use
If you use Google Scholar while connected to the campus network, either on a university computer or on campus wi-fi, Google Scholar may automatically show you the link to “Full Text @ FGCU Library”.
Configure for Off-Campus Use
To be linked into the FGCU Library’s holdings in Google Scholar from off-campus, you will need to adjust your Google Scholar settings.
- Navigate to Google Scholar (
- Click on the menu icon to open menu options.
- Click on the gear icon to open settings.
- Click on Library Links.
- Search in Library Links for “fgcu”.
- Check the box next to the choice for “Full Text @ FGCU Library”.

Congratulations! Now when you search in Google Scholar, articles that are available in FGCU Library databases will appear with links to full text to the right of the titles. Click on those full text links to access the article through the library databases.