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Saving article citations from Google Scholar

Once you have connected Zotero via browser extensions, you can search for articles on Google Scholar, and a folder icon will appear to the right of the address bar. Select that folder icon, and a box will entitled "Zotero Item Selector" will pop up. Check the box to the left of the individual titles to select the citations to save. Then select OK. The citations will be saved to your Zotero account. 

Saving Book citations from the Library catalog

Import book citations from the library catalog:

Article options for "The Great British Baking Show's Wonderful Sense of Life" by Tim White.

"Export RIS" will export the citation to your Zotero account. Select the ZoteroBib icon to export to ZoteroBib. 

Entering Citations Manually

Open your Zotero app, and select the library where you want to add your citation.  To manually enter a citation, select the page icon with a little plus sign on it. A drop-down box with different types of data will appear; select the corresponding option. This step is shown below in the screenshot. A library management software interface with a sidebar of collections and an open document type dropdown menu.


Then, input the Metadata manually in the corresponding categories. An example is shown below. 

Screenshot of a reference management software with a library structure and list of documents.

Add Citations from Within Zotero

You can add to your library directly from within Zotero with the ISBN, DOI, or other Bibcode by selecting the magic wand icon. Paste the DOI into the box and select "Search". If found, Zotero automatically adds the item to your library.