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Scholarly Communication

FGCU Library and Open Journal Systems (OJS)

As part of the commitment to increasing open access to research, the FGCU Library is using Open Journal Systems (OJS) through Florida Online Journals (Florida OJ) to provide online hosting for academic journals for FGCU scholars. The OJS system has a highly configurable system for editorial workflows with features including:

  • Online author submission
  • Blind, double-blind, or open peer-review processes
  • Online management of copyediting, layout, and proofreading
  • Delegation of editorial responsibilities according to journal sections
  • Management of publication schedule and ongoing journal archiving
  • Multilingual interface supporting 10 languages
  • Support for a variety of reader tools, such as RSS feeds and share buttons

Get an overview of OJS from the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and the OJS brochure.

For more information on the steps and process to host your functioning journal through the FGCU Library, contact Research Systems & Applications Librarian Kaleena Rivera at krivera @

What is Florida OJ?

The FGCU Library, thanks to support from Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC), support 3 open access journals publishing on Florida Online Journals (Florida OJ). Florida OJ uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) to support editors throughout the editorial and publishing process. OJS allows authors to submit manuscripts, editors to assign peer reviewers, reviewers to submit their reviews, and editors to manage workflows for copyediting, design, and final publication.

  • Aquila: The FGCU Student Research Journal an interdisciplinary student-centered journal with the goal of introducing FGCU students to the revision and publication process by taking critical thinking and written/creative analysis from the classroom to the wider community of scholars. Students transform their research into published articles while receiving mentorship along the way, from preparing their work for submission, to incorporating reviewer comments, to final edits before publication. Published annually, Aquila publishes undergraduate and graduate research from all disciplines and areas of scholarship.
  • Florida Undergraduate Research Journal - Each year more students are engaging in research. Sometimes this is with their faculty; sometimes it is independent of their faculty mentor. Students, however, are often limited to publishing their work in their university student research journal. The Florida Undergraduate Research Journal (FURJ) is a publication opportunity for undergraduate students attending either a 2-year or 4-year, public or private, college or university in the state of Florida to share their work with others beyond their campus journals. FURJ accepts articles of original research from any discipline.
  • Leading & Managing - An open access peer reviewed academic journal published three times per year focused on all aspects of leadership in the public and private sectors. The scope of the journal is empirical and theoretical perspectives of all facets of leadership and management. The journal is published by the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL).