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Scholarly Communication

What is Open Access?

Open Access (OA) is academic literature that is free to read and often has various re-use rights. Research can be Open Access through publishing or archiving.

Open Access has the same standards of peer review, copyright, quality, prestige, and research impact as traditional publishing, but is free to read.

Why should I make my research Open Access?

There are a number of benefits from either publishing your work Open Access or archiving, such as:

- Open access publications have proven potential for greater citation

- Research is more discoverable

- Authors retain copyright

- Taxpayers get access to tax-funded research

- Help eliminate inequalities in access to research

- Federal funders require Open Access

Publish Open Access For Free

Cambridge University Press (CUP) Read & Publish agreement allows FGCU faculty to publish open access in any of their gold open access or hybrid open access journals without having to pay an article processing charge (APC). Qualifying journals include a number of disciplines, including history, psychology, legal studies, ecology, mathematics, arts. language and literature, and more. Once an article has been accepted, simply select the open access option and use your university email to verify. Contact Research Systems & Applications Librarian Kaleena Rivera at with any questions you may have.

Text on green background which reads, "Publish Open Access at no cost; Cambridge University Press"