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Composition I and II: ENC 1101/1102

Walt Disney Propsal Assignment


This page contains information about resources on Walt Disney World for a specific assignment, but anyone might find them useful if you're doing research on the "greatest place on Earth."

Brainstorm Keywords

Your first task should be to brainstorm keywords for your search and consider which angle you want to take on this project. Consider synonyms, narrower terms, and broader terms, along with who you are going to target and where. You can then mix and match these words to include in your search for information to support your proposal.

Some terms to get you started:

   "amusement park"


    Magic Kingdom




    A specific story/movie/character


Use multi-subject databases to find a variety of general magazine, newspaper, and journal articles on your topic.

The following business databases will have articles that focus more specifically on Disney or amusement parks as a business, including information on business trends and marketing.

The following database, IBISWorld, specifically has industry reports. You might like to find the industry report on Amusement Parks in the US (NAICS 71311). Here you will find a ton of information, such as market segmentation (ex. how many visitors are international or under age 18), percentage of profits from different services, etc.
WARNING: This source includes so much information that it could get overwhelming; it is usually used for business and marketing projects. If you use it, skim through and don't get too bogged down in all the information. Set yourself a time limit--it can suck you in!!

Hint: Click on Risk and then iExpert to get a nice snapshot of some key statistics.


Search our Library Catalog for books that will support your specific proposal. Consider the keywords you brainstormed when doing your search.