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Evidence Synthesis Service


To advance evidence-based practice by providing search expertise, guidance and support for conducting systematic reviews and similar review methodologies at Florida Gulf Coast University for all disciplines.

Evidence Synthesis Service Request Form

Scope & Content

This research guide provides an overview of the evidence synthesis process, guidance documents for conducting evidence synthesis projects, and links to resources to help you conduct a comprehensive and systematic search of the scholarly literature.  The University Library Evidence Synthesis Service (ESS) is designed for Florida Gulf Coast University faculty and/or staff in any department who plan to publish their review.  We support a range of review methodologies, including systematic reviews, scoping reviews, narrative reviews, umbrella reviews, and others.  

If you have never conducted an evidence synthesis, we recommend that you first browse the guide to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of conducting evidence synthesis projects.  If you would like to request assistance with a review, please use our ESS request form and review the Memorandum of Understanding that outlines the roles and responsibilities of both the Librarian and the Requestor during the Evidence Synthesis Process.  

The content of the guide primarily reflects the resources available through the FGCU Library. Electronic resources such as databases and e-books may only be accessed by current FGCU students, staff, faculty, and emeritus faculty. General collection books may be checked out by current FGCU students, staff, faculty, emeritus faculty, and community users within the counties of Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee. All materials may be used onsite by members of the public.

For more information about accessing FGCU materials, please see the circulation policies HERE. Inclusion of publicly accessible materials such as those found on the Websites & Archives page is not an endorsement but is meant to guide researchers to possible resources of use.

Any comments or questions may be directed to the Health and Human Services or the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Librarians. 

Chat with an FGCU Librarian

FGCU Librarians are available to answer questions via chat most hours that the library is open. If FGCU Librarians are not available, you may be connected with librarian at another location in Florida.