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K - 12 Education

Recommended Elementary Education Journals

To access, search for the title in our journals page.

  • Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities (Yearbook) 
  • Advances in Special Education 
  • Child and Youth Care Forum
  • Childhood Education
  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly 
  • Education Digest 
  • Elementary School Journal Peer 
  • Exceptional Children Peer
  • Gifted Child Today Consumer publication 
  • Gifted Child Quarterly (The) 
  • Instructor PER L11 .I5 
  • Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 
  • Journal of Elementary Science Education 
  • Journal of Learning Disabilities 
  • Journal of Special Education 
  • Journal of Special Education Technology
  • Language Arts 
  • Reading Teacher Peer 
  • School, Science, and Mathematics  
  • Science & Children 
  • Science & Education Online 
  • Science Education 
  • Science Scope  
  • Teacher Education and Special Education
  • Teaching Children Mathematics  Peer Reviewed 
  • Teaching Exceptional Children Plus.
  • Teaching Exceptional Children