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K - 12 Education

Featured Children's Literature About Language Arts

LC Call Numbers to Browse

LB1025-1050.75 Teaching (Principles and practice)
LB1049.9-1050.75 Reading (General)
LB1050.9-1091 Educational psychology
LB1101-1139 Child study
LB1139.2-1139.5 Early childhood education
LB1140-1140.5 Preschool education. Nursery schools
LB1141-1489 Kindergarten
LB1501-1547 Primary education
LB1555-1602 Elementary or public school education
LB 1575-1576 Language Arts
LB1603-1696.6 Secondary education. High schools
LC149-161 Literacy Education (Also LB 2844)

Featured Journals

To access, Go to the FGCU Journal Search page and type in any of the following journals!

  • Childhood Education
  • Education Week (Trade)  
  • Elementary School Journal   
  • English Journal 
  • Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy 
  • Journal of Literacy Research
  • Language Arts  
  • Literacy Research and Instruction
  • Phi Delta Kappan
  • Reading and Writing Quarterly  (1 yr. embargo) 
  • Reading Horizons
  • Reading Research and Instruction  ( Now Literacy Research and Instruction
  • Reading Research Quarterly
  •  Reading Teacher 
  • TESOL Quarterly 
  • Voices from the Middle