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K - 12 Education

Featured Children's Literature About Social Studies

Social Studies Teaching Resources

Awesome Library -- Social Studies
Exploring Florida   Social Studies resources with a Florida focus from USF's Florida Center for Instructional Technology. Contains maps, music, movies, virtual reality sites, Floripedia, and more.

Library of Congress Digital Collection 

Mrs. Mitchell's Virtual School  Mrs. Mitchell is a Social Studies teacher from New Hampshire. 

National Council for the Social Studies  

National Center for History in the Schools

PBS Site for Social Studies Teachers

Social Studies Lesson Plans and Resources 

National Archives:  Teaching with Primary Sources Lesson Plans

Today's Front Pages from Newseum of Washington, D.C.  presents front pages of over 800 newspapers throughout the world. Users can quickly locate newspapers by region.  Does not keep an entire range of archives but has some historical events such as Hurricane Katrina, Presidential Elections, Red Sox Wins the World Series, etc.

Selected Journals for Social Studies and Locating “Hot Topics”

To see if a journal is available in print in the Library's collection, please use the Eagle Search and select Journal Title to focus your search results.  Results will display both online, print and microfilm journal titles.

Journals (most of them) are in electronic format and available 24/7. To see if a journal is available electronically, go to the Journals page. 

  • Childhood Education 
  • Education Week 
  • Elementary School Journal   
  • History Teacher 
  • Journal of Social Studies Research
  • Learning and Teaching in the Social Sciences  
  • Phi Delta Kappan 
  • Reading Teacher 
  • Social Education 
  • Social Studies 
  • Social Studies and the Young Learner 
  • Social Studies Review
  • Voices from the Middle 

Finding Articles Using Online Databases

The following databases are excellent starting points for locating materials related to social studies topics.    When connecting to these resources from off-campus, you must enter your FGCU ID (14-digit number) before you are allowed access.