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The following collections have been selected as primary source collections that may be of interest to students who have majors related to Environmental and Marine Sciences. Please note, University Archives and Special Collections offer a whole plethora of collections that can be used for research projects or assignments.
Aquila: The FGCU Student Research Journal publishes exceptional student scholarships from all academic disciplines and levels of study at Florida Gulf Coast University. The journal is published each year and contains research from students across many different disciplines.
The Big Cypress Collection is a photo journal displaying the former and current state of the Big Cypress National Preserve. Located in Southwest Florida, it is an extension of the U.S. Park Service. The collection was produced by the Big Cypress National Preserve's staff in collaboration with the Southwest Florida Library Network (SWFLN) in a project funded by the State of Florida's Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grants program.
Doug MacGregor has been a cartoonist for over 40 years and has created cartoons for the Fort Myers News-Press from 1988 - 2011. The collection contains sketches spanning MacGregor's career with the Fort Myers News-Press.
The collection consists of world-renowned environmentalist Kevin Erwin's personal papers, correspondence, field notes, and documents regarding his personal career and environmental investigations/cases, photographs, publications, and administrative records.
Southwest Florida (SWFL) has a unique environmental ecosystem consisting of preserves, sanctuaries, swamps, estuaries, and coastlines. The Southwest Florida Environmental Collections offers an extensive array of documents, reports, maps, and materials documenting the development and conservation of the SWFL region. Sub-collections include the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, Thomas M. Missimer, and Kevin Erwin collections.
The collection covers Undergraduate Student Research with support from professors and mentors, that range from 2016 to the present day during FGCU Research Days, STEM Undergraduate Research Symposiums, Showcase of Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE), etc. Undergraduate research has proven to be instrumental in engaging students helping to provide direct and marketable experience in the students' chosen disciplines, increasing knowledge and the desire for knowledge, and enhancing career development.