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Research Impact Services

Scholarly Profiles

There are numerous platforms that allow researchers to create a profile and share their work. Some also allow for connecting with other researchers and following their publications. To help increase your research impact, create a profile on some of these scholarly platforms, if you have not already done so. Make sure to maintain the profile with updated information about your field, your publications, and your institutions.

Remember that not all research platforms are created equal. Each one has its benefits and drawbacks, especially for-profit companies (such as If you do choose to upload your publications on one of these platforms, make sure it doesn't violate your publishing agreement. 

Publishing Open Access & ScholarsCommons

Publishing in open access journals is highly recommended for maximizing research impact. Articles published in open access platforms receive 89% more full text downloads, 42% more PDF downloads, and have 23% more unique visitors than articles published in traditional journals (Davis et al., 2008)

FGCU does offer an open access institutional repository: ScholarsCommons. To find out more about the repository, take a look at the ScholarsCommons Guide.

Responsible Publishing